What is Artificial Intelligence With Full Information_[Hindi]What Is Artificial Intelligence_

2021-08-06 3

What is Artificial Intelligence With Full Information?[Hindi]What Is Artificial Intelligence?
इस video में AI से जुड़ी ख़ास जानकारी ले कर आये हैं जिसमे आपको AI क्या है, इसका इस्तेमाल कहाँ किया जाएगा और इसके क्या फायेदे और नुक्सान हैं इन सभी के बारे में बताया जाएगा. इसीलिए इस विडियो को पूरा जरुर देखे
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.
for more
link is even below
youtube video for more information https://youtu.be/8q2ctsIpEI8
for more video links is given below :
Human in future: https://youtu.be/UQUeRXRJpf8
future technology: https://youtu.be/iTKgeF-Buls
Artificial intelligence: https://youtu.be/MluJOFGSD3k
5G technology : https://youtu.be/8q2ctsIpEI8
How to android app in window 10: https://youtu.be/MGMjOiw3Fzg
How to run whatsapp in pc:https://youtu.be/2rpErn_TJak
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for youtube short (Beta)
interesting facts: https://youtu.be/GN9Ylm2UfYs
Motivational story: https://youtu.be/iIfbE5a3MnM
about primitve man and it's future: https://youtu.be/tvCGze2FlwY